A woman staring at the ocean after she has let something go.

Photo Credit: Pexels, Anna Tarazevich

When You Let Something Go, Don’t Pick It Back Up

We all hold onto things. Often things that aren’t worth holding onto. Between grudges, anger, toxic relationships, excessive material possessions, and more, it’s commonly in our best interest to relinquish that which doesn’t serve us. Yet as hard as this is, that’s usually the easy part. When you let something go, the real hard part is not picking it back up.

When you let something go, walk away from it entirely

There are countless things you may have to let go of. Just like there are countless reasons you may finally let things go. And when you finally take that step, when you finally let something go, you free yourself from it. You become unrestrained, allowing yourself to grow and flourish in ways you simply can’t while chained to that burden. 

Which is exactly why, when you let something go, you need to walk away from it entirely.

Let’s say you once had a friend group that was all bad news. They cut class, generally got up to no good, and influenced you to do the same. Until you decided to let your friends go—to escape the mayhem that came with them and be your own person.

The decision itself is great! But it isn’t worth much if you start hanging around those folks again. Even if you’re only hanging with them on weekends instead of all week long like you used to. Because it’s a slippery slope. If you stay around the bad influence, the bad influence continues. And eventually, you may very well wind up right where you started.

When you linger around what you were once chained to, it’s easy to become tethered again. When you let something go, it’s so easy to pick it back up.

But you can’t. Not if you truly want to grow and be free.

So, do what you have to do. When you let something go, walk away from it entirely. Don’t linger. Fight the temptation to hang around the familiar. That way you’re less tempted to pick your burden back up.

After all, you let it go for a reason.

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