Young man thinking while walking to work.

Photo Credit: Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

Don’t Be Afraid to Stick With Your Routine

It’s common to fall into a routine when striving after a goal. This may be a set workout routine, a work routine, or perhaps a holistic daily routine. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Because your routine ensures consistency, which is needed to achieve most every aim.

As time goes on, however, it’s common for your routine to change. And there’s nothing inherently wrong with this either. Because the world and everything in it is always changing, us included. For instance, the same workout routine can grow old quickly not because the routine is bad, but because we adapt. So, to keep progressing at our preferred rate, we switch things up.

But sometimes it’s best to stick with your routine. Sometimes it’s best not to change things up, even when everything around you is morphing. And that’s not something you have to be afraid of.

Sticking with your routine is simply sticking with your plan

When you create a plan to achieve a goal, your routine will be part of its execution. Because routine is simply living out your plan. It’s the actual day-to-day steps of the strategy you devised. Plan to go to grad school? Your routine is your going to class and studying each day to ensure you keep a good GPA. Plan to spend more time with God? Your routine is your reading the Bible every morning and praying before bed.

So, when you stick with your routine, you’re simply sticking with your plan. Which isn’t a bad thing! Yes, sometimes plans change. But not always. If you believe in your plan when you make it, don’t automatically change the first moment things get tough in battle — the first moment it feels harder than anticipated.

Oftentimes when plans fail, it’s because they weren’t carried out properly. Whether it’s because things got hard, the routine got boring, or people fell prey to peer and social media pressure to do more, better, faster, an unnecessary audible was called. So, if you don’t want to get sacked, don’t change your playcall unless it’s absolutely needed. Don’t be afraid to stick with your routine. After all, you have it for a reason.

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